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Accessing stacked projects6/10/2023 In busy areas, there will often be multiple projects stacked on top of each other. To access a project which may be hidden underneath another, click on the project. This will open up a menu on the left hand side which will list all of the projects within the area that you clicked. You can hover over the project title in the list, and the matching project on the map will highlight. If you click on the project title, this will take you to the project summary page. To find out more, watch the video below:
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Navigating the FWV21/10/2022 How do I navigate around the map in FWV?
What to all the buttons on the map mean? Watch the video below
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Changing basemap style27/9/2022 How do I change the basemap in the FWV? Click on the top right map icon. You can switch between an Open Street Map base, or LINZ world imagery. Watch the video below |