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Publishing and sharing internal projects29/11/2024 NFWV is all about sharing and collaboration - but we know that sometimes you need to keep things sensitive for a while. That's why we've enabled ‘internal projects’ – which allows you to restrict who can view your sensitive projects in the FWV – giving confidence that you can still clash check your project, and collaborate, but only with organisations you need to work with. Furthermore, organisations can choose to share an ‘internal’ project with specific organisation(s) within the FWV. To enable us to publish your internal projects, you'll need to let us know what data field in your data indicates that it's an internal project. For example if you supply data to us in an excel spreadsheet, you'll need to add a column called 'is internal' and each internal project will be marked with a Y or yes. If this is something you'd like to do with your data, please contact us for more information. The video below also explains a bit more and how internal projects can be shared. Comments are closed.